Urban Research & Development Corporation
Grant Writing, Design and Planning
Grant Writing

As a former URDC principal, Drew Sonntag has over 35 years of experience encompassing a wide range of landscape architectural and planning projects within the Lehigh Valley area and in surrounding municipalities. As a project manager he has provided oversight in the following areas: Urban Revitalization, Urban Open Space and Park Planning, HARB guidance, Park Master Planning Design, Trail Design, Residential and Commercial Design and Development, Grant writing and Administration, and Comprehensive Planning. Drew provides funding and development guidance for the communities he works with and has written grant applications resulting in the award of well over 2 million dollars for URDC’s clients.
East Greenville Revitalization. East Greenville Revitalization Master Plan funded through Montgomery County Open Space Program
East Greenville Streetscape Revitalization. Streetscape Improvements; Design, Construction Observation and Administration
Pennsburg Revitalization. Pennsburg Borough Revitalization Plan funded through Montgomery County Open Space Program
Pennsburg Streetscape Revitalization. Streetscape Improvements, Façade Program oversight, Design, Construction Observation and Administration
Trail Feasibility Study. City of Bethlehem Analysis of Trail System, gaps, suggested improvements and connections
Royersford Riverfront Park and Trail. Royersford Borough Trail and Riparian Buffer Restoration; Project Management and Construction Administration
Foundry and Gateway Park. Royersford Borough Brownfield Site; Project Management and Construction Administration
Nor-bath Trail. Northampton County Master Plan and Design for Rail Trail
B. Landscape Architecture, Kansas State University
2018 Trail Connectivity and Compatible Economic Development Award - Schuylkill Highlands