Urban Research & Development Corporation
Grant Writing, Design and Planning

Mr. Gilchrist served as Principal and President of URDC since 1968. He is a specialist in park, trail and recreation master planning, land use planning, site analysis, design and site engineering. His leadership, as a Principal with over 43 years of experience, has directed the research, planning and design of many recreational, development, residential, educational, industrial and commercial projects to large new towns, major resorts, State parks, parkways and environmental centers. Mr. Gilchrist is recognized as an expert in the fields of recreation, land planning, site and civil engineering, urban and rural area planning, market economics and community development in Pennsylvania and Maryland. This includes expert testimony in the previously described fields in numerous Pennsylvania county courts, Commonwealth Courts and Pennsylvania Administrative Law Judges and to over 300 municipal zoning boards and elected official governing boards and planning commissions during the past 55 years.Mr. Gilchrist has been a Registered Landscape Architect for many decades within Pennsylvania and other states.
Mr. Gilchrist, for 40 + years, has been the URDC Principal-in-Charge of directing the master planning and design of over 150 park and recreation areas, ranging from large regional and county parks and lineal greenways to small parklets. His has also directed the design of numerous individual trails and trails within other greenways. He has personally directed and participated in all of the firm’s park design and recreation planning projects including:​
Saucon Park , City of Bethlehem
Monocacy Park, City of Bethlehem
Franko Park , Salisbury Township
Community Park Borough of Fountain Hill
Nor-Bath Rail-Trail, Northampton County
Gracedale Gardens, Northampton County
Louise Moore Park, Northampton County
Weaversville Park Master Plan, Northampton County
Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor
Delaware Canal, Schuylkill and New York Feeder Canal Master Plan
Masters of Urban and Regional Planning;
University of Illinois Graduate Study at the University of Pittsburgh in Urban & Regional Planning Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, with minors in civil engineering and architecture;
Iowa State University