Urban Research & Development Corporation
Grant Writing, Design and Planning

Mr. Kriebel has been a professional planner in both the public and private sectors for more than 40 years. During his 25+ years at URDC, Mr. Kriebel has been a project manager for projects in land use / comprehensive planning; economic development; housing; parks, recreation, open space, and greenways; and various specialized studies. He is certified by the PA Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) as a market analyst for housing projects for low- and moderate-income residents. As such, he has completed market analyses for tax-credit applications to PHFA since 1998.
His projects in parks, recreation, open space, and greenways include the following locations:
Adams County (PA)
Beaufort County (SC)
Carbon County (PA)
Caroline County (MD)
Town of Darien (CT)
Dauphin County (PA)
Town of East Hampton (NY)
Garrett County (MD)
He has also directed many economic development studies under the PA Community Economic Revitalization Program (CERP) including:
Carbon County
Moshannon Valley
Punxsutawney Area​
Monroe County
Sullivan County
Harford County (MD)
Kent County (DE)
Northumberland Co. (PA)
Queen Anne’s County (MD)
St. Jones River Greenway (DE)
City of Scranton (PA)
Wicomico County (MD)
Wyoming County​
Clearfield County
Chester County Partnership
Adams County
B.S. Community Development, Penn State University
Graduate courses, Lehigh University
American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP),
American Planning Association, Pennsylvania Planning Association